News Roundup

…student Faith Hedgepeth in 2012, and, farther back, the killings of student body president Eve Carson of UNC and graduate student Abhijit Mahato of Duke in 2008. Terrible for the…

News Roundup

There have been several sad and frightening stories in the news recently, from the apparent murder of UNC undergraduate Faith Hedgepeth, to the ice cream truck operator charged with being…

News Roundup

…policies regarding recordings. Keep reading for more news. DNA Sketch. A few weeks ago the News Roundup noted that the 2012 murder of UNC student Faith Hedgepeth remains unsolved. This…

State v. Perry, Cell Site Location Information, and the Exclusionary Rule

…site information” from November 13, 2012 through December 12, 2012.) Even if the officers had violated the Fourth Amendment by obtaining CSLI without a warrant, they acted in good faith,…