
Study Suggests that Licensing Unauthorized Immigrants Improves Traffic Safety

Researchers at Stanford University recently published a study showing that a 2013 California law allowing unauthorized immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses led to a significant reduction in hit and run accidents and did not increase the rate of traffic accidents and fatalities. The study’s authors said this latter finding “suggests there is no empirical support for the claim that unauthorized immigrants are less cautious drivers or generally more likely to cause accidents.” Instead, the findings suggest that “providing driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants led to improved traffic safety” and to “significant positive externalities for the communities in which they live.” What significance might this finding have for policymakers in North Carolina?

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Pop Quiz on Dangerous Driving

It is almost time for a new school year to begin, so I’m feeling in the mood for a pop quiz.

What driver behavior is associated with the most vehicle crashes in North Carolina?

  1. Speeding
  2. Driver Distraction
  3. Alcohol Consumption


What driver behavior is associated with the most injuries resulting from vehicle crashes in North Carolina?

  1. Speeding
  2. Driver Distraction
  3. Alcohol Consumption


What driver behavior is associated with the most vehicle crash fatalities in North Carolina?

  1. Speeding
  2. Driver Distraction
  3. Alcohol Consumption

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Preventing Impaired Driving

The General Assembly convened earlier today for its short session. While lawmakers’ primary focus doubtless will be the state budget, the legislature may again consider ways to address the persistent problem of impaired driving.  Among the bills eligible for consideration this session is House Bill 41, which would amend the State’s license restoration laws to … Read more