News Roundup

Durham County Superior Court Judge Elaine Bushfan, hearing cases in Alamance County, reversed her own judgments in five cases this week, saying that the Alamance County District Attorney’s office was too “harsh,” and that she would no longer hear criminal cases in Alamance County. Three of the five cases were habitual felon prosecutions. District Attorney … Read more

News Roundup

The DWI blood test backlog at the state crime lab has started to receive media attention. TheWinston-Salem Journal recently ran this editorial, arguing that the situation is “unacceptable” and reflects a “management failure by the state.” The piece notes that the lab has trouble retaining analysts, who often receive more lucrative offers in the private … Read more

News Roundup

The top story of the week may be that the SBI “and its insurers have agreed to pay $12.475 million to two innocent men who spent a total of 31 years behind bars,” as reported in this News and Observer story. The men in question are Floyd Brown and Greg Taylor. The latter was exonerated … Read more

News Roundup

A truly incredible story has culminated over the past few days. In 1998, Shon Hopwood was sentenced to 147 months in federal prison for bank robbery. He became a jailhouse lawyer, and in 2002, he filed his first petition for certiorari with the United States Supreme Court. Former Solicitor General Seth Waxman described it in … Read more

News Roundup

Nationally, the focus this week was on the sentencing of Ariel Castro, the Cleveland man who imprisoned three women in his home for years and sexually assaulted them. Castro spoke on his own behalf, stating that he “is not a violent person” but is simply “sick,” and claiming that he and his captives lived in … Read more

News Roundup

The budget is done, the Senate has adjourned, and the House will adjourn this morning. I’ve already posted about one aspect of the budget, here, but it is hundreds of pages long and includes other significant provisions, including (1) closing four prisons (Duplin, Robeson, Bladen, and Wayne), and Western Youth Institution, (2) funding “19 new … Read more

News Roundup

A North Carolina judge made the national news recently because of the sentence she imposed on a young woman who pled guilty to being drunk and disruptive and to resisting an officer. Halifax County Chief District Court Judge Brenda Branch gave 21-year-old Tonie Marie King a suspended sentence and ordered her to write a two-page … Read more

News Roundup

I’m rounding up the news today on the theory that for most people, today is the last work day of the week. I know it is for me. Here are some of the week’s top stories: 90-96 program discretionary again. Jamie noted last week that H 641 was “poised to become law,” and indeed, it … Read more

News Roundup

Pardon the brevity of this week’s roundup. I’m at a conference today and my blogging capacity is limited. But there were several important and interesting stories this week: 1. Prosecutors are asking the Governor to end the prison system’s policy of allowing certain well-behaved inmates have home visits as they near the end of their … Read more

News Roundup

The front page of the News and Observer today reports that Assistant United States Attorney Jennifer May-Parker has been nominated by President Obama to serve as a federal district judge in the Eastern District of North Carolina. Jennifer was one of the prosecutors I faced in my first federal jury trial. She is smart, professional, … Read more