…it possible to commit a trespass in a public building? Public buildings aren’t always open to the public. For example, you can’t walk into a public kindergarten class in the…
…start deliberating? The rule itself is simple and straightforward. If the defense offers any evidence, then the state gets the final argument (plus an opening address); if the defense does…
…to reopen voir dire after questioning juror who expressed confusion that other jurors were asked questions not asked of her. State v. Gidderon, COA22-681, ___ N.C. App. ___ (June 6,…
…Magna Carta also contains many outdated provisions. You can open the document to just about any place and find provisions about forests, ale, cloth-dying, knight service (and how to get…
…and it looks like Broken Justice spends significant time examining the negative consequences of the lack of funding on defendants, attorneys, and the court system generally. Opening a Can. The…
…while commuting to work was open for business as usual this morning. A split decision issued last week by a judge in Guilford County is the likely reason that all…
…while still upon the premises” of the store. The crucial question is whether wearing an item of clothing — openly, in plain sight — can constitute concealment. I don’t think…
…that catastrophic conditions resulting from the public health threat posed by COVID-19 existed in all counties of this state. While stating that superior and district courts remain open, the Chief…
…once that he was free to leave and return to his cell; the deputies were armed, but Fields remained free of restraints; the conference room door was sometimes open and…
…address these concerns is opening up September 9th. The intent of the North Carolina Elder Protection Network is to connect, inform, and support our public professionals who are working together…