Video Blog Post: Unstructured Sentencing

It’s been over two years since I recorded my first video blog post. With the help of School of Government multimedia developer Jamar Jones, I prepared another one for today. In it, I try to show how Structured Sentencing is not very structured for many defendants—especially when multiple convictions are sentenced together. I hope you’ll take a look!

3 thoughts on “Video Blog Post: Unstructured Sentencing”

  1. Great post. Even more so, there’s lots of ways where sentencing in NC deviates from the “Structured” Sentencing you described.

    1. Obviously DWI and Trafficking are outside of structured sentencing.

    2. Certain sex offenses have mandatory minimums now.

    3. Delegation of authority to probation officers, I would argue, is less structured.

    4. ASR options, and PSR basically reinstates a type of parole.


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