News Roundup

The hottest topic of the week — aside from the gripping Duke/UNC basketball game on Wednesday night — was certainly the hearing in Forsyth County about the constitutionality of the Racial Justice Act, G.S. 15A-2010 et seq. According to this News and Observer report, the state argued that the Act is “too sweeping to apply … Read more

News Roundup

Several stories appeared this week that may be of interest: 1. The News and Observer ran this article, headlined “Lawyers Take on Net Predator Law,” about defense attorneys’ efforts to challenge G.S. 14-202.5. The statute makes it a felony for a sex offender to “access a commercial social networking Web site where the sex offender … Read more

News Roundup

For me, the biggest recent news is that I broke my finger, had surgery on it, and am now much poorer and all doped up on Percocet. But that might not be such interesting news to you, so check out these recent stories instead: 1. As noted yesterday, the General Assembly is back in session. … Read more

News Roundup

I love Fridays! Here’s the news of the week: 1. The Youth Accountability Task Force, which was charged by the General Assembly with studying the age at which young offenders should be treated as adults, has released its recommendations. WRAL’s story is here and provides a link to the group’s report. The short version is … Read more

News Roundup

There have been a number of interesting stories in the news this week. 1. The national focus has been on Tucson, Arizona, where Jared Loughner is being held without bail on federal charges related to the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of federal district court judge John Roll, among others. There are … Read more

News Roundup

It’s time for the first news roundup of the new year! There have been quite a few interesting stories recently, including the following: 1. The New York Times reports that cell phones are widespread in prison. One Georgia inmate reports that “almost everybody has a phone,” usually a smartphone. In addition to playing FarmVille on … Read more

News Roundup

Tomorrow’s a holiday, and the blog is going on vacation next week, so this will be the last post of 2010. Before rounding up the news, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who reads, subscribes to, posts comments on, suggests topics for, or contributes in any other way to this blog. It … Read more

News Roundup

It’s been two weeks since the last news roundup, so there’s a lot to report: 1. Superior Court Judges Catherine Eagles and Ripley Rand have been confirmed by the Senate to new federal jobs in the Middle District of North Carolina, Rand as United States Attorney and Eagles as a district judge. Congratulations to both! … Read more

News Roundup

The top story of the week is the controversy surrounding the new ban on electronic sweepstakes.  I posted about it yesterday, and after my initial post, the Attorney General issued an opinion letter regarding the situation, and announced his intention to appeal a superior court judge’s ruling that held part of the law unconstitutional.  But … Read more

News Roundup

I intended to have a deep, substantive post ready for today.  But in the press of holiday preparations, I didn’t complete it — and in any case, there’s been some significant criminal law news this week. The top story, of course, is that former governor Easley pled guilty yesterday to a single felony count of … Read more