The Durham Herald Sun reports that after District Court Judge Fred Battaglia acquitted one defendant and dismissed charges against two others allegedly involved in destroying a Confederate monument in Durham last year, Durham District Attorney Roger Echols announced that his office was dropping all remaining charges arising from the incident. Echols said that because the evidence against the remaining defendants was the same as that introduced in the trials this week, it would be a misuse of state resources to continue to pursue the prosecutions. Keep reading for more news.
Gun Debate. The nation continues to grapple with the divisive issue of gun control in the aftermath of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school. Students across the country walked out of school, engaged in marches and rallies, and otherwise spoke out in a broad effort to pressure lawmakers at all levels of government towards gun reform. President Donald Trump met with survivors of school shootings at the White House and ordered the Justice Department to issue regulations banning bump stocks. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre said that gun control advocates and the media “hate individual freedom” and are exploiting the tragedy for political gain.
Rockingham. As has been exhaustively documented in the News Roundup, there has been much turbulence surrounding the Rockingham County District Attorney position in recent months. Following Tom Keith’s announcement that he would resign from serving as the interim District Attorney, the Rockingham County Bar Association nominated Resident Superior Court Judge Stan Allen for the post and Allen has accepted the nomination.
Russia. Late last week, Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian businesses on various charges related to meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The indictment says that Russian actors posed online as American citizens in an effort to exacerbate our country’s political divisions ahead of the election.
SOG Job. Do you have excellent writing skills, a strong academic background, a commitment to public service, and experience in juvenile justice or criminal law? If so, you will be interested to learn that the School of Government is hiring an Assistant Professor in Juvenile Justice and Criminal Law. Hit the link for more details about the position and instructions for submitting an application.
Thomas. In the ongoing national conversation about sexual harassment and sexual assault, some past allegations of inappropriate or assaultive conduct are being reexamined in a new light. Among those being subjected to renewed scrutiny is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was accused in 1991 of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior by Anita Hill and Angela Wright. The Charlotte Observer has a story about Thomas and his accusers here.
Mountain Pastimes. There are many wonderful things to do in Buncombe County; from outdoor adventures to trendy restaurants, there’s something for everyone. According to the News & Observer though, one activity is especially popular in Buncombe – committing the Class 3 misdemeanor of being drunk and disruptive. Stay weird Asheville.