Gun Bill Poised to Become Law

The General Assembly has passed H 937, which awaits the Governor’s signature. It is an omnibus gun bill, following rather closely on the heels of the omnibus firearms bill enacted in 2011, which I covered in part here. Assuming that it becomes law – and I am not aware of any prospect of a veto … Read more


Complete Summaries of 2012 Legislation Now Available

Jeff previously posted his “cocktail party review” of significant criminal law legislation passed this year by the North Carolina General Assembly, or at least legislation people might be interested in asking you questions about. Consider this the après-party review, when we go through the entire house, look for anything left behind, and give everything a … Read more

Cocktail Party Review: The 2012 Legislative Session

Jamie’s post yesterday about the legislature’s amendments to the JRA was great, and absolutely essential for criminal lawyers. Shea’s recent post on the expansion of continuous alcohol monitoring was equally valuable. But, let’s be honest, no one is going to ask you at a cocktail party about changes to the CRV rules for misdemeanants. (Unless … Read more

The 2010-2011 Session Begins: A Refresher on the School of Government’s Legislative Resources

by Aimee Wall, School of Government faculty member, and Christine Wunsche, Director of the Legislative Reporting Service [Editor’s note: This post appeared today on the School of Government’s local government law blog, and I thought it was worth cross-posting. Although it refers to some subscription-only resources to which many readers of this blog may not … Read more

Summary of the Short Session

In previous posts, my colleagues and I have discussed several of the noteworthy bills enacted by the General Assembly in the short session that concluded last month. For example, Jamie wrote about some developments in the law of sentencing and corrections here, I posted John Rubin’s summary of the new gun rights legislation here, and … Read more