…8 of the Constitution, which gives Congress the power to “make all [l]aws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into [e]xecution” Congress’s other powers — in this case,…
…the defendant would have completed any sentence imposed as a result of the charges at this point in time—two of his charges carry 15-year minimum sentences in the event of…
In May of this year I wrote a blog post about protesters and demonstrators carrying firearms at their events. In the months since that post, a variation of that conduct…
…ordinances came to carry criminal penalties. It noted that originally, a municipality could “fix penalties for the violation of its ordinances, and . . . enforce these penalties by civil…
…minor. Monitored offenders wear an ankle bracelet and carry a Walkman-sized GPS tracking device that transmits their whereabouts to DOC. I’ve left out a lot of the details, but suffice…
…because the defendant was “fidgety” and smelled of alcohol, the officer decided to frisk him. The defendant had a gun in his pants, and the officer charged him with carrying…
…a not guilty plea. Charges against pregnant women who use drugs, then miscarry. The Marshall Project and its partners have a new story here, finding that “[m]ore than 50 women…
…under the new law in order to carry out their duties. Consider, for example, that during the investigation and trial of a sex crime, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and the…
…by Honduran authorities last month when she went through airport security carrying a “can safe,” a fake drink can that is used to hide valuables. Honduran authorities accused Laroque of…
…the “address book” of Murhpy’s phone incident to arrest, even though it is not subject to crowding out? What if Murhphy had been carrying a Blackberry? A laptop? Could those…