News Roundup

New Governor Pat McCrory may be more focused on economic policy than on the courts and criminal justice, but he’s still done several things in his first days in office that might interest readers, like rescinding Governor Perdue’s executive order creating a judicial nominating commission; naming former legislator – and former probation officer – David … Read more

The Supreme Court on Competency and Collateral Review

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court decided an important competency case. Let’s start the discussion with a quiz. Which of the following statements is true? a. A trial may be conducted even when a capital defendant is incompetent. b. Federal habeas proceedings may continue even when a petitioner/former capital defendant is incompetent. c. An execution … Read more

News Roundup

The New Year is off and running. Yesterday was the day the mandate issued on the Hest Technologies video sweepstakes case, which I previously summarized here. That means that law enforcement could begin charging those in violation of the law – but many sweepstakes operators have changed their software in an attempt to comply with … Read more

New Year’s Resolutions

Still trying to decide what you should commit to doing in the new year? Regular programming returns tomorrow, but for today, I thought that I would suggest some possible criminal-law-related resolutions: 1. Read Jamie’s book. Jamie’s book on the Justice Reinvestment Act is available for purchase here, but many readers — judges, prosecutors, public defenders, … Read more

Holiday Break

I’m off tomorrow, as are most of my co-bloggers, so there won’t be a post then. This marks the beginning of the blog’s annual winter break. We’ll be back on Wednesday, January 2, 2013. Thank you for contributing to the blog this year, whether by reading, commenting, suggesting topics for posts, or all of the … Read more

Supreme Court Upholds Internet Sweepstakes Ban

The writing may be on the wall for internet sweepstakes businesses. On Friday, the state supreme court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of G.S. 14-306.4, the statute enacted to target such operations. The principal decision is Hest Technologies, Inc. v. State, __ N.C. __ (2012), written by Justice Hudson. Background. The legislature has been concerned for … Read more

News Roundup

Three more inmates had their death sentences vacated this week under the Racial Justice Act. Cumberland County Superior Court Judge Greg Weeks, following the reasoning he used previously to void the death sentence for another inmate, ruled that racial discrimination by the State during jury selection required that the defendants be resentenced to life without … Read more

Murder Rates and Medical Progress

The murder rate in North Carolina is falling. The same is true nationally. A recent article suggests that shootings are actually up, but deaths are down due to medical advances. At least the first part of that claim is almost certainly wrong. The chart below illustrates the decline in murders. The article in question is … Read more

News Roundup

Hot sauce, simulated sex, and echoes of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison are allegedly involved in one of this week’s most disturbing stories. Yahoo! News reports here that six inmates from Sampson Correctional Institution claim that prison staff “forced them to perform numerous humiliating acts for the entertainment of guards, including stripping nude and pretending … Read more