[Editor’s note: The legislative summaries linked in this post were updated on December 12, 2024, to reflect legislation enacted after this post first appeared.] Looking for some interesting topics to discuss over Thanksgiving dinner? The criminal summaries for this legislative session are now available and can be accessed here.
As in past years, the document covers legislation affecting criminal law (including offenses appearing in non-criminal chapters of the General Statutes), criminal procedure, and motor vehicle law. Each summary provides a brief description of the act in question along with a link to the text of the act and, where available, links to blogs my colleagues and I wrote. Be sure to note the effective date of the legislation, which is indicated in connection with each summary.
The General Assembly is scheduled to reconvene one more time before the year is out, and there appears to be at least one more bill that includes some criminal law provisions. If and when the bill is passed, the summary document will be updated accordingly.
Today’s post is the last for the week since the School of Government is closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. Be safe and enjoy chewing over newly enacted and newly amended criminal laws with family and friends!